Unmanaged CDN Provider
The CDN providers you add when you Add a CDN Provider to your account are Managed CDNs, meaning you can configure them via the IO River platform.
You can also use an Unmanaged CDN provider with the IO River platform. There is no need to provide credentials for this provider. However, an unmanaged provider comes with the following limitations:
- You will not be able to configure it via the IO River platform.
- The service dashboards will not contain any data or statistics from this provider.
What can you do with an unmanaged CDN provider?
- You can route traffic to this provider using Traffic Policies, including failover - this can be useful for migrating traffic from an old provider.
- You can monitor it for avaialability and performance by configuring a monitor.
When should I use an unmanaged CDN provider?
Unmanaged provider can become useful in the following cases:
- IO River doesn't yet support this provider.
- Gradual migration of traffic from provider which you are not planning to use in the future.
- Monitoring a provider which is not part of your IO River service.